دانلود کتاب TOEFL Bulletin
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این کتاب رهنمودهای لازم پیرامون آزمون تافل را در اختیار شما قرار میدهد.
This Official Guide to the TOEFL Test is the best, most reliable guide to the test that is used around the world to assess foreign applicants to U.S. and Canadian universities for English proficiency. It includes real TOEFL questions for practice, as well as explanations of every section of the test and information on what is expected for every speaking and writing task. You will learn how to construct a good answer and how to integrate speaking, listening, and writing skills to demonstrate college-level English proficiency. The accompanying CD-ROM provides three authentic TOEFL iBT practice tests just like the one you will encounter on test day
- نوع فایل: PDF
- حجم فایل: 1.7 مگابایت
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