دانلود کتاب 400 Must have Words for the TOEFL
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در این کتاب 400 لغت کاملا ضروری برای موفق شدن در آزمون تافل گرد اوری شده است.کمات همراه با توضیح و مثال به خوبی آموزش داده شده اند.
For students whose first language is not English and who wish to study at a university with an English-based curriculum, no admittance test is more important than the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL helps you score well by arming you with the most important English vocabulary words commonly found on this crucial exam. This timely guide also encompasses the recent changes made to the test, including the emphasis on conversation and spontaneous communication to mirror the interactive nature of the classroom. 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL also includes:
- Activities such as paraphrasing, synonym and antonym exercises, and identifying prefixes and suffixes
- Strategies on how to incorporate new words into everyday vocabulary
- Chapters on identifying synonyms and paraphrasing sentences, roots, prefixes, and suffixes
- نوع فایل: PDF
- حجم فایل: 796 کیلوبایت
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5/5 - (1 امتیاز)
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