دانلود کتاب Language Development and Age
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ارسال شده توسط مریم رحمانی
انگلیسی ، زبان شناسی انگلیسی
Language Development and Age
The notion of a critical period for acquisition of first and subsequent languages is the topic of this book, which investigates the following questions:
- What is the evidence for a critical period for language acquisition?
- Is there a critical period for first language acquisition?
- Is there a critical period for subsequent language acquisition?
These questions raise corollary issues concerning the nature of language acquisition, variables that drive and constrain it, and the role of biological maturation. The book demonstrates that first language (L1) is in large part susceptible to age constraints, whereas second language (L2) – a term conventionally referring to any language learned after the first – is only indirectly so affected.
مشخصات کتاب Language Development and Age:
- نوع فایل: PDF
- حجم فایل: 1.5 مگابایت
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5/5 - (1 امتیاز)
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